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The following rules are in effect for the 2025 Oregon Knife Show ROPE CUTTING COMPETITION.

  • All competitors must sign a Release of Liability prior to event.
  • All competitors must abide by all instructions given by OKCA event officials.
  • Cutters must be at least 18 years old.​
  • All knives must be sheathed. Unsheathed knives will not be allowed.
  • No slick soled or open toed footwear will be allowed in event area.
  • Eye protection must be worn at all times while in event area.
  • All knives must be placed and remain in an area designated by event officials at the time of an event.
  • Only one (1) knife will be unsheathed at a time unless directed by event officials.
  • Event officials will inspect all knives prior to the start of each competition for adherence to knife specifications. Officials will also inspect knives for any noticeable damage during events.
  • Penalties will be administered for any safety, rules or procedure infraction.
  • Infractions posing a threat to spectators, officials, other Cutters or the Cutter him/herself will result in immediate disqualification. Disqualified Cutters will receive 0 (zero) points for the Event.


  1. Knife size specifications”
  • 10” blade max, 15” overall length max  
  • Blade and Handle Thickness – No restrictions
  • Fixed blade knives ONLY
  1. Added weights forward of the handle are not allowed.
  2. All Handles must have at least 1 visible pin or tube that passes through the handle material and tang.
  3. All Knives must have a secure lanyard hole with a sturdy wrist lanyard. In the front of the handle or just ahead of the handle. Event officials may disqualify any knife if the lanyard system, in any way, presents a safety hazard.
  4. All Knives must have a sturdy sheath to be allowed in the event area.
  5.  All knives must have been inspected prior to competition.
  6. All knife design features are subject to the approval of Officials.

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